DFCC Consulting – DFCC Bank PLC

DFCC Consulting

DFCC Consulting


DFCC Consulting (Pvt) Ltd a 100% DFCC Bank owned subsidiary has been in operation since 2005. The company was set up to complement the activities of the bank and to leverage on synergies created by utilising the vast experience of senior bank staff to carry out independent consultancy assignments. The company also draws upon a pool of external experts on an as required basis, and employs human resources depending on the requirement of a particular project.

Over the years the company has carried out several consultancy assignments and has earned a reputation for being competent and proficient in carrying out work. Subsequent to the successful completion of a recently concluded 2 year assignment in operating the Project Implementation Unit supporting a rooftop solar funding credit line in Sri Lanka, the Asian Development Bank complemented DFCC Consulting for the commitment and professionalism displayed in carrying out all assigned tasks.

The company has undertaken a wide range of assignments including overseas consultancy work in Uganda and the Fiji Islands.

Services Include

  • Project implementation support
  • Due diligence/verification of feasibility reports on start-up projects
  • Due diligence on existing projects
  • Comprehensive financial feasibility of new and existing projects
  • Assistance in raising debt capital
  • Training on carrying out due diligence work, project appraisal and follow up
  • Other customized consultancy services

Contact Details

DFCC Consulting (Pvt) Limited,
No.73/5, Galle Road,Colombo 03,
Sri Lanka.
Phone : +94(11)2442442
E-mail: nalin.karunatileka@dfccbank.com


Call Nalin Karunatileka on +94(0)777795799 (mob) or +94(11)2442232
